Resultados: 3

Análisis costo-efectividad del tratamiento con terapia compresiva en la cicatrización de úlceras venosas

Objetivo: analizar el costo-efectividad y calcular la relación costoefectividad incremental del tratamiento multicapa compresivo con respecto al inelástico (bota de Unna y estiramiento corto) según la literatura actual. Método: estudio cuantitativo de costo-efectividad a través de un modelo con ayu...

Measurement of the area of venous ulcers using two software programs

ABSTRACT Objective: to compare the measurement area of venous ulcers using AutoCAD(r) and Image Tool software. Method: this was an assessment of reproducibility tests conducted in a angiology clinic of a university hospital. Data were collected from 21 patients with venous ulcers, in the period from Ma...

Effectiveness of papain gel in venous ulcer treatment: randomized clinical trial


to assess the effectiveness of 2% papain gel compared to 2% carboxymethyl cellulose in the treatment of chronic venous ulcer patients.


randomized controlled clinical trial with 12-week follow-up. The sample consisted of 18 voluntee...